Σάββατο, Ιούλιος 27, 2024
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Tabbed Content Module.

RokTabs is a tabbed content module, standalone and sporting its own themes (light and dark). Content is transitions, either by fade or scroll, and is powered by mootools..

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Gallery Extension.

RokGallery is a powerful gallery solution, that uses a custom tag-based architecture to showcase its images. Group images into multiple galleries simply by tagging. A non-destructive slice editing is also featured.

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Sliding Content Module.

RokNewsPager is an article previewer and rotator. It displays content articles, in a summarised form and, using mootools based javascript transition, rotates through a series of pages displaying articles in a contracted list or accordion format.

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Learn how to install the template.

Remember to download all the necessary files, and determine which are installable, and which are for alternative uses such as the Adobe® Fireworks PNG sources which are for image editing only.

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Adobe ® Fireworks PNG Sources.

Customize the logo, or any other image element in the template with the accompanied Adobe® Fireworks PNG sources. The guide available provides step by step instruction on editing the source.

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Member Only Tutorials & Guides.

A range of forum based tutorials to assist in understanding the template features, as well as a range of guides in customization or transplanting old/new features. These are available to club subscribers only.

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15 Variations

Control styles via Color Chooser.

Color Chooser provides a rich administrative interface for controlling the template's styles, with a interactive mootools powered popup to select colors, whether for the background or text colors, as well as selectors for patterns and overlays.

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Powering the template core.

Gantry provides a range of features, from the dynamic 960 Grid System, to the advanced user interface, per browser or platform CSS/JS support, or per-menu-item configurations, plus a plethora of other advanced features..

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Two Options

Fusion Menu and SplitMenu.

Choose between the two available menu options, either the javascript enhanced CSS dropdown system, Fusion with MegaMenu features; or the static horizontal and sidebar menu, triple level Splitmenu.

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Αγαπητοί μας φίλοι, για τις θεραπείες των παιδιών, σας ενημερώνουμε ότι πλέον είμαστε Συμβεβλημένοι με τις Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις (Στρατό Ξηράς, Πολεμική Αεροπορία,Πολεμικό Ναυτικό) και το Λιμενικό Σώμα.